More frequent trains
Thanks to the Citizens’ Rail project, there are now more frequent trains on weekdays on the Riviera Line. The improved timetable – which started in December 2013 – means that there are at least two trains per hour between Newton Abbot, Torre, Torquay and Paignton throughout most of the day. The new trains provide more (and therefore much better) connections at Newton Abbot with main line trains to and from Exeter, Plymouth, Bristol and London.
What happens now that the Citizens’ Rail project has finished?
Following a short period of local authority funding, the government has agreed to continue the additional Paignton-Torquay-Torre-Newton Abbot trains as part of its franchise with Great Western Railway. From December 2018, a full service of two local trains an hour along the whole route (Paignton-Exeter-Exmouth) will be introduced.
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