Construction has begun on the state-of-the-art redevelopment of Burnley Manchester Road station, part funded by Citizens’ Rail.
The new station building is scheduled to be completed in May 2014, and will provide improved facilities for passengers and a hub for the area’s Community Ambassadors, employed by Northern Rail with support from Citizens’ Rail, who engage hard-to-reach groups with their local rail services.
The revamp is planned to coincide with the start of a new direct service to Manchester later in 2014, anticipated to significantly increase use of the station.
Burnley Council Leader, Councillor Julie Cooper, said:
« For some passengers, the train station can be the first impression they get of a town, and with the transformations underway in Burnley, with new schools, college and universities, it is important that visitors arriving, or passing through see the ‘new’ modern, changing Burnley.
This is a vitally important project for Burnley’s future economic growth. »
Visit our Lancashire project page or read the Burnley Council press release (PDF) to find out more.
(Photo: Andy Ford)