Eilendorf community event gets residents involved

Sunday, October 20 th, 2013 · no Comments · In ,
As part of Citizens’ Rail, approximately 50 local residents in Eilendorf (in Aachen, Germany) attended a community engagement event in October to have their say on potential improvements to their local station.

Eilendorf station has considerable access issues – if passengers want to get from one side of the track to the other, this currently involves a long walk to the nearest bridge in one direction or tunnel in the other. Representatives from Citizens’ Rail’s German partners (Stadt Aachen, AVV and RWTH Aachen University) gave presentations setting out four options for improvements to the station (see visualisations below).


Your text here.


Your text here.


Your text here.


Your text here.

The presentations are available (in German) in the Dokumente section of Stadt Aachen’s Eilendorf station page. Residents then had the chance to ask questions and give their own views on each of the four options.

The main reaction from the community was that they welcomed the chance to get involved in planning the improved station at this early stage. Personal safety at the station emerged as a high priority. The options with the best visibility (the first and second slides above) were residents’ favoured options as a result.

Visit our Eilendorf page to find out more about the project and next steps for improving the station.

